Server-Side Translations
You can do the translation on the server-side and return it as a response. The locale messages defined in nuxt i18n module options are integrated, so all you need to do is configure the locale detector.
Define locale detector
For server-side translation, you need to define a locale detector.
Nuxt i18n exports the defineI18nLocaleDetector
composable function to define it.
The following is an example of how to define a detector that detects locale using query, cookie, and header:
// Detect based on query, cookie, header
export default defineI18nLocaleDetector((event, config) => {
// try to get locale from query
const query = tryQueryLocale(event, { lang: '' }) // disable locale default value with `lang` option
if (query) {
return query.toString()
// try to get locale from cookie
const cookie = tryCookieLocale(event, { lang: '', name: 'i18n_locale' }) // disable locale default value with `lang` option
if (cookie) {
return cookie.toString()
// try to get locale from header (`accept-header`)
const header = tryHeaderLocale(event, { lang: '' }) // disable locale default value with `lang` option
if (header) {
return header.toString()
// If the locale cannot be resolved up to this point, it is resolved with the value `defaultLocale` of the locale config passed to the function
return config.defaultLocale
The locale detector function is used to detect the locale on the server-side. It's called per request on the server.
When you define the locale detector, you need to pass the path to the locale detector to the experimental.localeDetector
The following is an example of a locale detector configuration defined directly in the Nuxt application:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
i18n: {
experimental: {
localeDetector: './localeDetector.ts'
For details on the locale detector function defined by defineI18nLocaleDetector
, see here.
on eventHandler
To translate on the server-side , you need to call useTranslation
// you need to define `async` event handler
export default defineEventHandler(async event => {
// call `useTranslation`, so it return the translation function
const t = await useTranslation(event)
return {
// call translation function with key of locale messages,
// and translation function has some overload
hello: t('hello')